How can God keep silent?
When we feel that our strengths are diminishing or we are facing insurmountable problems or feeling like continuous target of pitfalls that want to engulf and destroy us, when we cannot explain why are experiencing situations that were far away from us and belonged to the lives of others we wonder. Where is God?
Where is He hiding and how can He remain like a silent spectator?
Where the good and merciful God is? He created us out of love?
We do not feel love, but everything that prevails in our heart is suffering, indifference, silence and fear above all.
The same fear that Joseph had within himself ‘ without knowing what the silent and invisible God had set apart for him:
“Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take
Mary as your wife for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit” (Mt 1: 20)
Joseph was courageous, not that he was not afraid anymore but faced his fears:
When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife ( Mt 1:24)
Keeping in his hearth this promise :
“Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,”which means, “God is with us.” ( Mt 1:23)
The silent and invisible God was and is with us: Jesus!
What about the suffering then ?
St. John the Apostle in his First Epistle tells us that the victory over the world, the suffering, the difficult situations and incomprehensible is one: our faith.
Who is it that conquers the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? This is the one who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ, not with the water only but with the water and the blood. ( 1Jn 5:5)
Yes, Jesus, the God with us, in us and for us not merely received a water baptism in the Jordan, but remained faithful to God to save us by shedding His precious blood on the cross: man and God so inseparable.
Then understanding our frailty is not mortifying the God’s creation but instead put God in His place and understand that God for love suffered for us and in our suffering we are closer to him thinking about what Jesus has done to save us.
As we prepare for the feast of the Holy Trinity let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in our mortal journey united to the Father and the Son in the joys, sorrows and though no angel will speak to us in a dream as to Joseph we know in our lives is present the Emmanuel God with us!
78th International Prayer Marathon
God with us
28-29-30 July 2019
Let us pray together: