Jesus, come and live in our hearts
the month of July is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This devotion started in the Middle Ages by Saint John Eudes and then continued with Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.
We want to honor the heart, the human organ of Christ who was intimately united to the divinity of the Father and gave himself all for us to save us.
It is said that everything comes from the heart, our feelings, emotions and love. The heart itself replies with joy or pain, slows down the beats or multiplies them and makes us understand what hurts or pleases us.
In our hearts we keep the memories of the people we love and our heart becomes home and refuge.
When we wait for a guest, we make ourselves available, clean the house, order the rooms and prepare every single detail. We take away everything that is not right and that is not pleasing to our guest and we open our door impatiently in his coming.
How do we prepare our hearts to wait for Jesus?
Can the Lord stay a long time in a heart that has other guests like envy, slander, resentment, “infidelity,” etc.???
Would Jesus feel comfortable to have to occupy a small place in our heart when He gave all of himself for us?
Lord Jesus makes it possible for us to give you our whole heart, without limits and restrictions, so that you can govern us in our hearts with every beat, at every moment with every emotion.
Jesus, come and live in our hearts
77th International Prayer Marathon
28-29-30 June 2019