gesù-buon-pastore 0

God is in us

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, We are still in the Easter period and with our life we ​​announce the true life in Christ, the victory over corporal and spiritual death. We are truly...

January2021_2 0

God is forever

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thinking of a new year that has begun we often reflect on the days, months and time that passes in our lives. We think of our frailties, how...

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Jesus is the light

We are still in the eight liturgical days of Christmas and we wish you all our best wishes! We are also in the last month of 2020, a year that we will certainly not...

WearewithChristus 0

We are for … Jesus

In these days the most awaited period of the year begins for us, because we are waiting for the person whose name we take and to whom we have entrusted everything of our existence...

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The Lord is my Shepherd

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, may the Lord give us Peace! With the passing of the months of this year 2020, our priorities, our lifestyles and our material and temporal certainties have changed....

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We belong to God

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, The period we have been going through for more than six months has put us to the test on all fronts: physical, mental, spiritual and economic. We...