Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
the Peace of the Lord be with us !!!
In the month of October, dedicated to the Holy Rosary, we focused on the importance of this practice of prayer as an important means of sanctification with the intercession of ours, Holy Mother Mary.
The daily recitation of the Rosary makes us keep our gaze fixed on the life of Jesus, the way forward for our own sanctification.
The month of November in fact begins with the feast of All Saints, celebration and hope for each of us to become one.
We are all called to Holiness, because we are children of God the Father who is Holy and in order to return to him and remain in his embrace for eternity, we too must become Saints !!
Said like this it seems a difficult mission to complete … But let’s think about our existence, our being and the meaning of our life.
In addition to earthly satisfactions, affections, new experiences etc, shouldn’t we put first being able to be with whom loved us before our birth?
See God and be with God forever.
But how do we prepare ourselves for this meeting?
The Lord Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) calls us to the beatitude of God, the infinite goal of our existence.
Let us prepare our heart, keep it and protect it, so that it remains firm in its fundamental characteristic: purity.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God
117 International Prayer Marathon
29.30.31 October 2022