Time of silence, prayer and … Lent
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
the liturgical times of the Church mark the various phases of our years, of our lives.
Often we ask ourselves at the beginning of the time of Lent what are we willing to give up?
We make our list including : sweets, video games ,snacks , coffee etc but what is the fasting pleasing to God and what can we abstain from in these 40 days?
We avoid what moves us away from God, we discern our choices, our daily actions.
What brings us closer to God?
The prayer of the heart, let us pray for our choices, for the people most distant from our heart and for the conversion of sinners. Let us pray with our humble words.
What to do in practice?
We do good, we discuss good things. We do not judge but we speak openly and open-heartedly about the misunderstandings that can occur with people who are close to us every day. We do not allow our heart to be weighed down by negative thoughts that feed sadness and despair.
Let’s look for a moment of silence ..
Even if it frightens us to be silent amid the noise of everyday life, it is in the silence that God speaks to us, in the quiet we manage to respond and listen.
The season of Lent lays us bare, strips us of our superficiality, reminds us of our mortal nature and eternal life with God the Father.
Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is for us :salvation, grace and faith.
Lord, welcome our humble prayers, make them unique in your eyes, help us in the challenges of life and give us your grace and blessing.
We remember in this 85th Marathon all your prayer intentions, protection against the Corona Virus, peace in the world, peace in our hearts.
Time of silence, prayer and … Lent
85th International Marathon of Prayer
27-28-29 February 2020
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