June, The Month of the Sacred Heart
The term ‘heart’ in the Hebrew Bible is being used hundreds of times, especially in the prayers of the Psalms, the prophets and the wisdom literature. What was the heart for the Israelites? It was not only the seat of feelings and, as we are led to believe today, but the intelligence, the will of the decision of conscience. Having a hard heart meant having unrighteous thoughts and wishes away from justice, in essence meant to be closed to the will of God; think after the heart of God meant to consider reality as He sees and this led to ethical behavior in keeping the commandments, resulting in righteousness and inner purity (Ps. 7:11). For the biblical writings the heart is, therefore, closely linked to faith and spiritual life.
The heart of the Father
A few dozen songs also speak of the heart of God, when He ‘turns his heart to the man’, it means that he turns his attention (Job 7:17), essentially loves him. And ‘the heart of a father teaching his first steps to his son Israel, lifting it up to his cheek, feeds him (Hos 11:3-4), is a heart that does not change, passionate as he is in search of his sinful children. Even when God decides to punish the people astray, however, burning with the desire for forgiveness, always ready to change his decision, because his heart is slow to anger and rich in mercy. The heart of God is also swollen visceral love of the bridegroom to the bride, whose intimate wants to talk, despite her unfaithfulness (Hosea 2:16); tenderness is thirsty for the conversion of her children, who emerges with his overbearing presence in poignant songs:
How can I give you up, Ephraim? … My heart is turned within me … I will come to you in my wrath (Hosea 11,8.9)
I will heal them of their infidelity, I will love them deeply (Hos 14:7)
The heart of the Son
Jesus came to reveal the merciful heart of the Father :
Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart (Mt 11:29)
There can be no better description of the abasement of a God who is stripped of his divine condition to take on human flesh and undergo the infamy of the cross (cf. Phil 2). The phrase uttered by Jesus is placed in a context that enhances the smallness (‘.. you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to babes’, Mt 11:25) as opposed to the attitude of some of the teachers pompous their doctrine, requiring the believers unbearable burdens of precepts. Jesus, however, offers small and simple the yoke of love, of meekness and humility, which alone can give the refreshment of inner liberation. Of the love He has given the highest testimony on the cross, when from His ripped Heart flowed blood and water, the washing of mercy for all men’s sins, past, present and future.
To S. Margaret Mary Alacoque, the apostle of S. Heart of Jesus, the Master had revealed the unfathomable mysteries of His breast and had confided: “My Divine Heart is so inflamed with love for men, and for you in particular that, being unable any longer to contain within Itself the flames of Its burning Charity, It must needs spread them abroad by your means, and manifest Itself to them (mankind) in order to enrich them with the precious graces of sanctification and salvation necessary to withdraw them from the abyss of perdition.. ‘. Wallow in these flames of love, confidently asking that Jesus accomplished the wonderful exchange of our little heart with Him
O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, source of all good,
I adore you, I love you, and I highly repentant of my sins,
I present my poor heart.
Make it humble, patient, pure
and fully in line with your wishes.
Let , or good Jesus, that I may live with you and for you.
Protect me in danger,
console me in afflictions,
help me in my spiritual and material needs
and your holy blessing
is always on me and all my loved ones. Amen.
By Laila Lucci, Rimini, Italy
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