2. The song of wonder
S. Paul writes to Christians in Rome: ‘what can be known of God is to them [the pagans] manifest, God has shown it to them. In fact, his invisible nature, namely, his power and divinity, and are covered including the creation of the world through the works of his’ (Rom. 1:19-20). In front of a fiery sunset, the colorful surface of which is of the campaign in the spring, with a clear starry sky in front of a new life that comes to light, who does not feel the sweetness melt? Who can not make his own the cry of wonder the psalmist: ‘O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name over all the earth! ….. When I see your heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which you have established, what is man that you remember him? ‘(Ps 8,1.4-5). Meditating in front of the created man discovers he is released from the hands of God, shaped like a miracle: ‘What is man that you remember him? You have made him little less than a god, glory and honor you crowned him. You gave him dominion over the works of your hands, put all things under his feet ‘(Ps 8:5-7). He realizes that he has received from God the capacity to dominate the set, almost an extension of the creative activity, including receipt of discernment, tongues, eyes, ears and heart, knowledge and understanding to think, to distinguish between good and evil He becomes aware of the fear of saying that God has placed in his heart (cf. Sir 17.1 to 8). Begins to flow from his heart, the song of praise, so well expressed by Sirach: ‘Hear, holy sons, and grow like a rose that grows to a stream: How to scatter incense smell good, make flowers bloom as the lily, raised the voice and sing together, praise the Lord for all his works. Magnify his name and proclaim his praise with the songs of the lips and with harps, and cheer on your say so: ‘How beautiful are all works of the Lord!’ (Sir 39.13-16) (continued).
Laila Lucci
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