When believing is not enough…
To believe in something is not enough if we do not strive for it.
Turning on the TV, browsing web pages or just Facebook and Twitter amongst jokes, videos and quizzes there are still the dramas of humanity
Sometimes we would like to have a filter to remove them, to do not to think about it or simply because there is no way to fix them.
Wars have always been there, the rich are always trying to exploit the weak and discrimination are part of the freedom of expression …
Migratory flows from North Africa to Europe like so many other routes of refugees in the world are the result of the one in which we no longer believe: Peace.
Just the real peace is not beneficial to a world accustomed to the economic exploitation of the poorest countries, the racial inequalities, the war industries and the covenants of union leaders of the countries to remain absolute super powers.
And then …? We find the children of barbarism that as parcels transported by ship come into our homes in search of reward.
Can we really refuse our help? We still believe in peace?
The leaders we elect still believe in peace? Where are the international institutions?
To all these questions we can not answer by ourselves therefore, as God’s children
we can only listen to our conscience.
“Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get’’
Mark 4:24
29th International Prayer Marathon
‘’We believe in Peace’’
28-29-30 June 2015
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