Walking with Jesus
You receive this newsletter in many parts of the world, in so many different cultures and situations, because we are living our faith in Christ.
In drawing up our monthly message and the invitation to common prayer, we bring before the Lord our needs, the cry of the suffering natural disasters that afflict our brothers and the need of the world to walk constantly with Jesus.
The world tends to change the figure of Jesus, is He the permissive Messiah, who adapts to our times? Which allows us to call Him only when we need ? That we neglect Him when we are busy for our work, for our hobbies and He approves any transgression if done in good faith?
Perhaps He is the Lord of the general humanitarian concepts, of Peace and of good that then remain abstract rules difficult to put into practice, is the figure of the Gospel to turn the other cheek, the cross and the suffering?
And what do we read? How do we know our Jesus? How can we walk with him?
A few days ago in the Liturgy the Lord of 2000 years ago tells us today:
“No one lights a lamp and covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed; puts it instead on a chandelier, for those who enter see the light “(Luke 8:16), we can walk with Christ and light our homes, but how are we prepared to do so?
We ask for the intercession of all angels and saints this month to know Jesus and walk together forever.
It is good to have weight and measure in all things … less than in the Love of God
Santa Teresa of Child Jesus
56th International Marathon of Prayer
Walking with Jesus
28-29-30 September 2017
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