The dignity of the women
“So God created humankind in his image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.”
Genesis 1:27
Thinking about time of creation we compare various versions and many symbolisms about all the events that happened where mystery and legend blend and intertwine , but the sure thing is that we were created by an act of love. And at the climax of creation, God created His masterpiece: the woman.
The woman was entrusted with the life , the care and the foundation of the family and as a princess are entrusted the most ‘beautiful treasures … the values.
The image of our mothers , sisters, and nurses is the concentrate of love to whom we are assigned at birth and keeping in our hearts those moments of love means to enjoy their treasures.
In a society that is trying to change the role of women, sadly sometimes treated as objects on billboards or movies those same treasures are changing in value.
Bombarded by media attacks that try to superficialize our relationships and to conquer women a false freedom ‘ we should respond with the same love with which we have been created and stored, the love that does not change with the times and trends, that is not emancipation but respect for ourselves and future generations.
A pure love that honors and respects ”Princesses” cause masterpieces of God the Father and treasurer of the real wealth of the world.
Let us entrust ourselves to Mary in this month dedicated to her direction so that the example of her Mother and Spouse of God may enlighten us in the daily choices in respect of ourselves, the image of God the Father.
52th International Marathon of Prayer
For the dignity ‘of women in the world, along with Mary
28-29-30 May 2017
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