Medjugorje’s messages 1981
Medjugorje, the door of the heaven, the passage that from this world, brings to the paradise.
Medjugorje is a small village in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where the Virgin Mary, through God’s volunty, has chosen to appear to the humanity. Continuing the apparitions already happened in Europe.
Mary, true and just mother, who doesn’t leave her children alone, She appears 32 years ago to 6 kids. To bring still hope of salvation, pure love, joy of the heart to the whole world, to this society already lost to the materialism, slave of ours sins. Since 32 years Virgin Mary, reveals secrets to seers, She donates to the humanity messages of peace and love.
Are simple messages, but behind the simplicity of every single word is hidden the beauty, happiness true love, that love who comes from God our Father, Virgin Mary invites us to pray without interruption, She invites us to fast, getting stronger ours faith; PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY, because only through the prayers, we will discover the love of God, the pure sense of our life.
The messages She donates us, are really beautiful, deep but in the same time pure words, who she uses to put inside of us unbridgeable richness.
Words of true love, words of consolation, words from a Mother, these messages are been given up for us, and simply to insert in every day of our life.
Day one
On the 24th of june 1981 around 18.00 the following kids: Ivanka Ivankovic,Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic,Ivan Dragicevic, Ivan Ivankovic e Mika Pavlovic have seen, in a area named Podbrdo( Crnica Mountain), a beautiful young woman with a child in Her arms.
That time She didn’t tell anything to them, but She had make a visible mark with her hand to come close. The kids surprised and scared, didn’t get close, even if all of them realize that they had seen the Virgin Mary.
Day two
On the 25th of june 1981, the kids all together , went at the same time to the same place where the previous day Mary appeared to them, hoping to see Her again, suddenly a light flashed. Together to it the kids had seen the Virgin Mary, this time without the child in Her arms. She was indescribably beautiful and smiling. She was showing them to get closer. The kids made them self courage and they went closer to Her. Immediately they fall down on their knees, and they will start to pray, Our Father, Ave Mary and Glory to the Father, Virgin Mary started praying with them, except the Ave Mary. After the prayers She started speaking with the kids. Ivanka asked Her about her mother who died 2 months before. Mirjana asked to the Virgin Mary a sign to let them understand that the the kids weren’t crazy like someone were saying.
Day three
on the 26th of june 1981 the kids, couldn’t wait 18.00 the time, where Virgin Mary appeared to them they went to the same place to meet Her again. They were really happy, but that happiness was mixed with scared, and they weren’t sure yet of what was happening. But the kids were feeling deeply inside them, who attracted to the Virgin Mary.
When the kids were still following the path a light flashed quickly for 3 times, for them and others who were following as well the sign which made understand where the Virgin Mary was. This time something more happened comparing to the previous days, in the meantime Virgin Mary suddenly disappeared. When the kids started to pray, She appeared again, She was amazing, beautiful , happy and smiling.
Going out from their houses, on advises from few old ladies, a man of the group who went with kids towards the holy place, bringing with him some holy water, so the kids could use it during the apparition and protect them self against Satan. Once when the Virgin Mary was with the kids, Vicka took the holy water and started to use it saying : if you are the Virgin Mary stay with us, if you are not, go away! Virgin Mary listening to this, smiled and stayed with the kids.
Then Mirjana asked to Her : What’s your name? and She answered : I am the Blessed Virgin Mary
That same day, once the kids went away from Podbrdo, Virgin Mary appeared again only to Marija and She told her : PEACE, PEACE and ONLY PEACE! behind Her there was the Cross. With the tears in Her eyes said again twice: the peace has to be between God and the mankind and in the middle to the mankind.
Day four
On the 27th 1981 the Virgin Mary appeared three times. She got asked a lot of questions which She answered to. Regarding priests She said: Could the priests believes deeply and protect the faith of the population! Again Mirjana e Jakov asked Her to leave a sign, so people could believe, seen that some of them started to say that kids were crazy or under drugs. Virgin Mary answered, don’t be afraid!
While the kids were going away from the mountain, the Virgin appeared to them and She went away saying these words: Goodbye my angels! Go in Peace!
Since the begin till now, only 5 days the kids didn’t see the Virgin Mary.
Virgin Mary, never appeared in the same place, to the same people or to the same groups of people, Her apparitions weren’t with the same last of time. She didn’t appear only to the seers, but even to other people from their ages, culture, race or interest. All this made us understand that the apparitions are not controlled by mankind, they don’t depend from the time, the place, the desire or prayers from the seers and population, but only from Her will.
Starting from the first of march 1984 Virgin Mary, every Thursday says Her messages to the parish community of Medjugorje, through this, to all the world. Since 1987 messages for the parish and the world are transmitted on the 25th of every month, from the Virgin Mary through the seer Marija.
Francesco Fezzuoglio, Pilot