For the sufferings
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, admiring the beauty of nature and what only God could give us on earth we wonder how it must be wonderful the Heaven itself … or in true...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, admiring the beauty of nature and what only God could give us on earth we wonder how it must be wonderful the Heaven itself … or in true...
The closer we get to understand and implement God’s Word in our lives, the more are the challenges that we hear. By training daily in the heart ‘s gym are countless the exercises and...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, In a few days we will think of the 2016 as a year that is just passed away. So much has happened and much more awaits us in...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Jubilee of Mercy proclaimed by the Holy Father has just come to an end. In this period of grace, Pope Francis wanted us to remember the great...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, a few days ago ended in Assisi ( Italy) the day for Peace. It was exciting to see the representatives of different cultures and religions to pray together...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus’ invitation in the readings of the last few days is to be ready for His coming. Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the...
Day after day we witness impassively the ongoing tragic events against humanity. The man who is destroying another man, another family, peace in the hearts and lives that will never return to be like...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, We were all generated by a father and a mother, but not all of us have had the grace to really know them , to feel loved, to...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, can we truly claim to be immune from fear? Even reading the Bible, we can see that from Genesis to the last pages of the New Testament there...
Live tomorrow from today and leave yesterday behind but sometimes yesterday bothers today and follows with imprints on tomorrow. What we do today will lead us to who we will be. We will encounter...