Beloved by God
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have begun to pray for the first countries affected by the virus. After three months, we all feel affected by this silent enemy and carry the pains and sufferings behind us.
In this uncertain time, many wonder why so much evil and why God allows all this.
After losing freedom of movement, the first economic hardships arrived, the loss of many jobs, many economic activities are struggling to reopen and many are the broken hearts.
Yet deep in our solitudes we know that the Lord has not left us.
Even if we feel like the apostles, left and surrounded by many enemies, we are certain of the words of our Lord Jesus:
«Here, I am with you every day, until the end of the world». Mt 28:20
“You will have tribulation in the world,
but have faith; I have won the world! ” Jn 16:33
We all know that God the Father loves us with immense love and has sent His Only Son to save us.
Like the apostles who awaited the gift of the Holy Spirit, we too raise our prayers in this 88th prayer marathon by reminding ourselves that God the Father loves us.
Come Holy Spirit and stay with us, guide us, strengthen us, enlighten us and make us worthy of You!
Thank you oh Lord for your unconditional and pure Love, thank you for the gift of life and eternity in your Peace.
88th International Prayer Marathon
Beloved by God
28-29-30 May 2020
We have developed a prayer guide that can accompany us during our meditations throughout the month of June.
United in Christ
The 72 hour team for Jesus